张述于中国海洋大学获得博士学位,2018年任职中国海洋大学,现任副教授、研究生导师,主讲高级程序设计语言、编译原理等本科课程,Web技术开发等留学生本科课程、以及图像处理与模式识别、计算机视觉等研究生课程。长期从事水下视觉和人工智能相关领域研究,主要研究方向涉及水下三维感知、水下多模态环境计算、水下ROV设计与交互控制、海洋数据深度学习等,曾在中科院海洋所就职,从事海洋数据采集分析及可视化相关研究和处理等工作,曾担任英国朴茨茅斯大学副研究员,从事三维计算和人机交互相关领域研究。近年来在国际SCI期刊EI会议上发表高水平学术文章五十余篇,发明专利多项,其中一作和通讯作者超过二十余篇,据谷歌学术统计,文章单篇最高引用接近四百余次。其提出了基于物理模型和深度学习相结合水下三维视觉感知框架,并得到国家自然科学基金的资助。作为团队核心成员带领团队开展多模态数据感知的水下ROV平台设计与搭建,开展数据采集和分析。在水下视觉领域提出了基于生物视觉颜色恒常原理的水下视觉增强策略,据Web of Science学术权威网站统计,在检索到的“水下图像增强”领域其文章引用排名第二。主持和参与科研项目包括国家自然科学基金项目青年项目、面上项目、重大科研仪器研制项目、科技部国际重点研发计划、科技部国际科技合作专项项目、山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目、海南科技厅联合项目、中国博士后项目、英国EPSRC项目、欧盟第七框架项目等,项目研究方向涉及水下三维感知、海洋数据预报、水下ROV交互控制等。担任多个国际EI学术会议大会程序委员会成员和分会主席,并参与会议的组织工作。担任国内外学术期刊会议审稿人。
1. MARS: parallelism-based metrically accurate 3D reconstruction system in real-time,Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,2021,SCI,第一作者
2. Linearly augmented real-time 4D expressional face capture,Information Sciences,2021,SCI (顶尖期刊),第一作者
3. Augmented visual feature modelling for matching in low-visibility based on cycle-labelling of Superpixel Flow,Knowledge-Based Systems,2020,SCI (顶尖期刊),第一作者
4. Skeleton Guided Conflict-Free Hand Gesture Recognition for Robot Control,The 11th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology,2020,EI,通讯作者
5. Automatic Facial Paralysis Evaluation Augmented by A Cascaded Encoder Network Structure, IEEE Access,2019,SCI (权威期刊),通讯作者
6. A Hierarchically Trained Generative Network for Robust Facial Symmetrization,Technology and Health Care,2019,SCI,第一作者
7. Dense 3D facial reconstruction from a single depth image in unconstrained environment,Virtual Reality,2018,SCI,第一作者
8. A Deep Variational Autoencoder Approach for Robust Facial Symmetrization,The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),2018,EI (CCF-C),通讯作者
9. Underwater image enhancement via extended multi-scale retinex,Neurocomputing,2017,SCI (权威期刊),第一作者
10. Automatic 3D Face Recovery from a Single Frame of a RGB-D Sensor,The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),2017,EI (CCF-C),第一作者
11. Feature Matching for Underwater Image via Superpixel Tracking,Proceedings of 2017 the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC),2017,EI,第一作者
12. Combining Kinect and PnP for camera pose estimation,Proceedings of 2015 the 8th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI),2015,EI,第一作者
13. Automatic reconstruction of dense 3D face point cloud with a single depth image,Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),2015,EI,第一作者
14. Two-stage deep regression enhanced depth estimation from a single RGB image,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,2020,SCI (权威期刊),
15. Random shapley forests: cooperative game based random forests with consistency,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2020,SCI (顶尖期刊),
1. 高级程序设计语言,本科课程,,80
2. 编译原理,本科课程,,64
3. Web技术开发,留学生课程,,64
4. 图像处理与模式识别,研究生课程,,52
5. 计算机视觉,研究生课程(三亚),,48
6. 小组机器人学II,本科课程,,80
Research Fields
1. ,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2024 ~ 2026,项目负责人
2. ,海南省自然科学基金联合基金,2022 ~ 2024,项目负责人
3. ,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2020 ~ 2022,项目负责人
4. ,中国博士后科学基金,2019 ~ 2021,项目负责人
5. ,中国海洋大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,2023 ~ 2024,项目负责人
6. ,国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目,2020 ~ 2024,项目参与人
7. ,山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目,2018 ~ 2020,项目参与人
Social Appointments
Teaching Experience
1. MARS: parallelism-based metrically accurate 3D reconstruction system in real-time,Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,2021,SCI,第一作者
2. Linearly augmented real-time 4D expressional face capture,Information Sciences,2021,SCI (顶尖期刊),第一作者
3. Augmented visual feature modelling for matching in low-visibility based on cycle-labelling of Superpixel Flow,Knowledge-Based Systems,2020,SCI (顶尖期刊),第一作者
4. Skeleton Guided Conflict-Free Hand Gesture Recognition for Robot Control,The 11th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology,2020,EI,通讯作者
5. Automatic Facial Paralysis Evaluation Augmented by A Cascaded Encoder Network Structure, IEEE Access,2019,SCI (权威期刊),通讯作者
6. A Hierarchically Trained Generative Network for Robust Facial Symmetrization,Technology and Health Care,2019,SCI,第一作者
7. Dense 3D facial reconstruction from a single depth image in unconstrained environment,Virtual Reality,2018,SCI,第一作者
8. A Deep Variational Autoencoder Approach for Robust Facial Symmetrization,The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),2018,EI (CCF-C),通讯作者
9. Underwater image enhancement via extended multi-scale retinex,Neurocomputing,2017,SCI (权威期刊),第一作者
10. Automatic 3D Face Recovery from a Single Frame of a RGB-D Sensor,The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),2017,EI (CCF-C),第一作者
11. Feature Matching for Underwater Image via Superpixel Tracking,Proceedings of 2017 the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC),2017,EI,第一作者
12. Combining Kinect and PnP for camera pose estimation,Proceedings of 2015 the 8th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI),2015,EI,第一作者
13. Automatic reconstruction of dense 3D face point cloud with a single depth image,Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),2015,EI,第一作者
14. Two-stage deep regression enhanced depth estimation from a single RGB image,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,2020,SCI (权威期刊),
15. Random shapley forests: cooperative game based random forests with consistency,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2020,SCI (顶尖期刊),