10月30日(本周五)上午9点,来自德国莱布尼茨对流层研究所的 Dietrich Althausen教授和来自日本国立环境研究所的Nobuo Sugimoto教授将会在我院南楼A404做有关于气溶胶和沙尘的激光雷达观测研究方面的内容。
主讲人Dietrich Althausen教授简介:German environmental scientist. His research areas include development and construction of Lidar systems for aerosol research, development of Lidar methods, mineral dust in the atmosphere, investigations of the worldwide atmospheric transport of particles, investigations to the effect of particles on radiation budget and influence of particles on the polarization state of light.
主讲人Nobuo Sugimoto教授简介:Japanese environmental scientist. Achievements include development of Lidar for stratospheric ozone measurements, space retroreflector for atmospheric measurements. Recipient Environmental Technical award, Nikkei News Paper, 1989 . Member of Meteorological Soc Japan, International Society for Optical Engineering, and Optical Society America.
2015/10/29 15:08:57