- 1. Privacy-enhanced Decentralized Federated Learning at Dynamic Edge,IEEE Transactions on Computers,2023,CCF A,第一作者
- 2. Decentralized Wireless Federated Learning with Differential Privacy,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022,中科院一区TOP,第一作者
- 3. PPAR: A Privacy-preserving Adaptive Ranking Algorithm for Multi-armed-bandit Crowdsourcing,International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS),2022,CCF B,第一作者
- 4. Resource-adaptive Newton's Method for Distributed Learning,International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON),2023,CCF B,第一作者
- 5. Distributed Learning Dynamics of Multi-armed Bandits for Edge Intelligence,Journal of Systems Architecture ,2021,CCF B,第一作者
- 6. Privacy-preserving Collaborative Learning for Multiarmed Bandits in IoT,IEEE Internet of Things Journal ,2021,中科院一区TOP,第一作者