

  • 1. DCAFusion: A novel general image fusion framework based on reference image reconstruction and dual-cross attention mechanism INFORMATION SCIENCES 2024.12.15 sci 通讯作者
  • 2. A submesoscale eddy identification dataset in the northwest Pacific Ocean derived from GOCI I chlorophyll a data based on deep learning Earth System Science Data 2024.12.18 sci 通讯作者
  • 3. Eddy-Induced Chlorophyll Profile Characteristics and Underlying Dynamic Mechanisms in the South Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing 2024.7.18 sci 通讯作者
  • 4. Towards submesoscale eddy detection in SDGSAT-1 data through deep learning INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH 2024.6.27 sci 通讯作者
  • 5. SCMNet: Toward Subsurface Chlorophyll Maxima Prediction Using Embeddings and Bi-GRU Network IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 2023.10.19 sci 第三作者
  • 6. The effect of normal and abnormal eddies on the mixed layer depth in the global ocean Frontiers in Marine Science 2023.1.13 sci 通讯作者
  • 7. Deep blue artificial intelligence for knowledge discovery of the intermediate ocean Frontiers in Marine Science 2023.1.19 sci 通讯作者
  • 8. Euphotic Zone Depth Anomaly in Global Mesoscale Eddies by Multi-Mission Fusion Data Remote Sensing 2023.2.15 sci 通讯作者
  • 9. 波浪驱动式海洋高频次精细化观测剖面仪的设计 仪器仪表学报 2022.1.29 ei 第一作者
  • 10. Eddy morphology:Egg-like shape, overall spinning, and oceanographic implications Remote Sensing of Environment 2021 SCI 第二作者
  • 11. From 1/4◦ to 1/8◦ : Influence of Spatial Resolution on Eddy Detection Using Altimeter Data Remote Sensing 2021.12.30 sci 通讯作者