

  • 1. Finite beaming effect on QED cascades Physics Letters B 2024.11.17 独立作者
  • 2. Application of partial wave analysis in multiphoton pair production PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024.10.28 共同作者
  • 3. Spin effect induced momentum spiral and asymmetry degree in pair production PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024.09.10 共同作者
  • 4. Fully polarized Compton scattering in plane waves and its polarization transfer Matter and Radiation at Extremes 2024.03.27 SCI 第一作者
  • 5. Feasibility of measuring nonanalytic QED coupling from pair creation in strong fields PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2024.03.28 SCI 通讯作者
  • 6. Interferences effects in the polarized nonlinear Breit-Wheeler process PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024.02.27 SCI 通讯作者
  • 7. Plasma harmonic generation for highly efficient Breit-Wheeler pair creation Physics Letters B 2023.10.20 SCI 独立作者
  • 8. Locally monochromatic two-step nonlinear trident process in a plane wave PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023.5.8 SCI 第一作者
  • 9. Simulations of laser-driven strong-field QED with Ptarmigan: Resolving wavelength-scale interference and γ-ray polarization physics of plasma 2023.09.19 SCI 共同作者
  • 10. Optimal photon polarization toward the observation of the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022.09.06 SCI 通讯作者
  • 11. Bright attosecond polarized γ-ray emission from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with non-uniform near-critical-density plasma Chinese Journal of Physics 2022.05.01 SCI 共同通讯作者
  • 12. Bright γ-ray source with large orbital angular momentum from the laser near-criticalplasma interaction Plasma Science and Technology 2022.05.10 SCI 共同通讯作者
  • 13. Fully polarized nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in pulsed plane waves PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022.03.28 SCI 独立作者
  • 14. Pulse envelope effects in nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair creation Physical Review D 2021.11.01 SCI 第一作者
  • 15. Generation of quasi-monoenergetic positron beams in chirped laser fields Physical Review A 2021.08.18 SCI 独立作者