

  • 1. Investigation on THz EM Wave Scattering From Oil-Covered Sea Surface: Exploration for an Approach to Probe the Thickness of Oil Film IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2021.3 SCI 第1作者
  • 2. On the Nonlinear Mapping of an Ocean Wave Spectrum into a New Polarimetric SAR Image Spectrum Journal of Physical Oceanography 2020 .11 SCI 第1作者
  • 3. Ocean Wave Inversion Based on Airborne IRA Images IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2022.01 SCI 通讯作者
  • 4. Reanalysis of the Tilt MTFs Based on the C-Band Empirical Geophysical Model Function IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2021.09 SCI 第1作者
  • 5. Doppler characteristics of electromagnetic echoes from sinusoidal water waves illuminated by plane wave/Gaussian beam Waves in random and complex media 2021.03 SCI 第1作者
  • 6. EM scattering from a simple water surface composed of two time-varying sinusoidal waves IEEE Access 2020.11 SCI 第1作者
  • 7. Investigation of EM backscattering from slick-free and slick-covered surfaces using the SSA-2 and SAR imgaes Remote Sensing 2018 SCI 通讯作者
  • 8. Impact of Ocean Waves on Guanlan’s IRA Measurement Error Remote Sensing 2020 SCI 通讯作者
  • 9. The polarimetric features of oil spills in full polarimetric synthetic aperture radar images Acta Oceanol.Sin. 2017 SCI 通讯作者
  • 10. A statistical distribution of quad-pol X-band sea clutter time series acquired at a grazing angle Acta Oceanol.Sin. 2018 SCI 通讯作者
  • 11. Doppler characteristics of EM scattering from sinusoidal or weakly nonlinear choppy waves Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2018 SCI 第1作者
  • 12. Theoretical Study on Microwave Scattering Mechanisms of Sea Surfaces Covered With and Without Oil Film for Incidence Angle Smaller Than 30o, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2021 SCI 第3作者
  • 13. A modified TSM for better prediction of hh polarized microwave backscattering coefficient from sea surface Remote Sens Lett. 2020 SCI 第3作者
  • 14. Ocean Wave Inversion Based on Airborne IRA Images IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2022.01