

  • 1. Observation of collective Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in three-qubit systems Physical Review A 2025-03-12 SCI
  • 2. Observation of single-photon azimuthal backflow with weak measurement Optics Letters 2025-01-02 SCI
  • 3. Revealing the propagation dynamic of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam with two Bohm-like theories Applied Optics 2024-09-19 SCI
  • 4. Sharing asymmetric Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen steering with projective measurements New Journal of Physics 2024-08-14 SCI
  • 5. Activation of quantum steering sharing with unsharp nonlocal product measurements Scientific Reports 2024-05-20 SCI
  • 6. Experimental sharing of Bell nonlocality with projective measurements New Journal of Physics 2024-05-17 SCI
  • 7. Entanglement quantification via weak measurements assisted by deep learning Photonics Research 2024-03-21 SCI
  • 8. Experimental recognition of vortex beams in oceanic turbulence combining the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm and convolutional neural network Applied Optics 2024-01-22 SCI
  • 9. Demonstration of universal contextuality through communication games free of both operational inequivalence and compatibility loopholes Optics Express 2023-12-04 SCI
  • 10. Reliable experimental manipulation of quantum steering direction Optics Express 2023-04-19 SCI
  • 11. Dynamics of multipartite quantum steering for different types of decoherence channels Scientific Reports 2023-03-07 SCI
  • 12. Protecting nonlocal quantum correlations in correlated squeezed generalized amplitude damping channel Scientific Reports 2022-11-28 SCI
  • 13. Manipulating the quantum steering direction with sequential unsharp measurements Physical Review A 2022-10-13 SCI
  • 14. Investigation of the influence of measurement imperfections on quantum communication complexity superiority for the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt game Optics Express 2022-07-15 SCI
  • 15. Weak-measurement method for surface-roughness estimation Physical Review A 2022-06-10 SCI
  • 16. Accurately quantifying the superposition state of two different Laguerre-Gaussian modes with single intensity distribution measurement Quantum Information Processing 2022-02-18 SCI
  • 17. Sharing quantum steering among multiple Alices and Bobs via a two-qubit Werner state Quantum Information Processing 2021-08-10 SCI
  • 18. Widening the sharpness modulation region of an entanglement-assisted sequential quantum random access code: Theory, experiment, and application Physical Review Research 2021-04-15 SCI
  • 19. Observing momentum disturbance in double-slit “which-way” measurements Science Advances 2019-06-14 SCI
  • 20. Experimental test of quantum correlations from Platonic graphs Optica 2018-05-29 SCI
  • 21. Experimental observation of quantum state-independent contextuality under no-signaling conditions Optics Express 2018-01-02 SCI
  • 22. Experimental nonlocal steering of Bohmian trajectories Optics Express 2017-06-16 SCI
  • 23. Demonstration of Multisetting one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in two-qubit systems Physical Review Letters 2017-04-05 SCI